Our Mission:

The Gemma Project provides and promotes effective jail and prison reentry programming tailored to the unique experiences of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women. We are committed to creating pathways to successful reintegration by addressing the specific challenges faced by women in the justice system.

We advocate for policy change that prioritizes what works to reduce recidivism, break the cycle of incarceration across generations, and strengthen families and communities.

Our approach is informed by research that recognizes the distinct needs, histories, and pathways of women in the criminal justice system. Traditional, one-size-fits-all reentry programs—designed without consideration for these differences—have failed to produce meaningful change, often reinforcing cycles of incarceration and destabilizing families.

The Gemma Project believes that inspiring hope, providing opportunity, and fostering individual and system accountability are key to rebuilding lives. Our work is guided by principles of dignity, respect, and a commitment to proven strategies that support successful reintegration and long-term community well-being.

~ In the past three decades alone, the number of women incarcerated in prisons and jails in the US has increased more than 750%

~ Nearly half of incarcerated women in the US are held in jails

~ 80% of women in jails are mothers and often primary or sole caregivers to an average of 2.5 children each

~ Over 80% of incarcerated women have histories of domestic and/or intimate partner violence, rape, sexual assault, and/or child abuse